What to do When someone Forged my Signature on Check?
You should immediately inform your financial institution of the problem. Follow up by informing the person who issued the check. The individual who gave you the check may get their money back from their financial institution and issue you a new one.
People frequently try to steal money from the bank by stealing checkbooks, forging, and depositing fake checks. If someone has attempted to counterfeit your signature on a check, here are four things you may do to protect yourself.
Step one: First things first, you should cancel your account. If you are worried about someone using your checkbook, you should shut down your bank account.

Step two: Report the checkbook and fraudulent checks to the bank manager. If you need assistance recovering your funds, ask. This is when things become complicated. The bank will likely push back and say something like, “That’s not our concern,” if $80,000 is fraudulently removed from your account. You should visit the bank manager right away. If the check is for less than $80, they will likely return the money and let you keep your account open.
If they refuse to refund your money, move on to the next step.
Step 3. The next step is to visit the police station and make a report. The bank manager will finally take you seriously after the police get involved. Sadly, the police need the budget to bring in a handwriting expert. Unless you reside in a very large city, it is unlikely that your local police department will employ a forensic examiner.
Step four: The fourth step is contacting a forensic document examiner like myself. Inform them that someone has faked your name and that you would greatly appreciate a letter of recommendation. You may have to testify in court if they determine that you are the perpetrator.
The question is, “How do you do that?” You should search for “forensic handwriting expert” online when this occurs. The handwritingexperts.com website might be the one you need. Choose a guru in that field. The crooks can examine the fake check. For less than a grand, they will analyze your handwriting samples and issue a letter of opinion stating that you did not write the check.

You will be caught if you wrote the check and are now trying to pass it off as someone else’s. Those who specialize in identifying people from their handwriting are called “handwriting experts.” If the check were only $400, there’d be no use in meeting with me because you’d have to spend at least $1,000 to get somewhere. If the amount is more like $80,000, however, it is prudent to retain legal counsel, file a police report, and also contact the financial institution in question.
The financial institution has recently invested in both legal counsel and insurance coverage. This sort of thing occurs frequently. Constantly, they need to do something correctly. The legal department is prepared to handle it, and they will consider whether or not refunding your money is more cost-effective than representing you in court.
Also, if you decide to sue the company for the amount of the check, will the cost of hiring an attorney to defend the company at $400 per hour be less than the cost of getting your money back? Here’s the rub: if you want something badly enough, you must resort to dirty tactics like hiring an attorney or threatening legal action if they don’t give in to your demands. They’ve calculated that it’ll cost them $5,000 to defend themselves in court, so they’ll refund your payment.
Those are the main four things to do if you discover a counterfeit check in your name. You should sign out now. Make an appointment with the bank manager. Don’t hesitate to call the police and report the incident. Next, have a forensic handwriting specialist examine the documents.

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